UBC Gunn IMS Review and Advanced Training Course
The objective of this course is to revise and expand on course participants’ knowledge, understanding and practise of Gunn IMS by reviewing relevant theory, research, and patient assessment/treatment skills.
To facilitate the review of clinical reasoning and treatment planning, we will invite two local practitioners attending the course to present a patient from their caseload to be assessed and treated on the course by course instructors, as demonstration. Course participants who would like to have a patient considered for this role, should have already assessed the patient as being suitable for Gunn IMS. Treatment may or may not already have initiated. All informed consent procedures should have been completed.
Should you have a suitable patient, please advise us at the time of your application so we may contact you.
To facilitate the review of clinical reasoning and treatment planning, we will invite two local practitioners attending the course to present a patient from their caseload to be assessed and treated on the course by course instructors, as demonstration. Course participants who would like to have a patient considered for this role, should have already assessed the patient as being suitable for Gunn IMS. Treatment may or may not already have initiated. All informed consent procedures should have been completed.
Should you have a suitable patient, please advise us at the time of your application so we may contact you.
Class size will be limited to 20 participants. Assessment skills will be reviewed in demonstration form on actual patients. Initial treatment will be demonstrated. Treatment planning will be discussed. All areas of needling, including “at risk” areas, will be reviewed.
This course is only available for those practitioners of Gunn IMS who:
- Have successfully completed Gunn IMS Parts I and II (either the iSTOP or UBC program)
- Hold current registration to practise from their relevant regulatory college
- Hold current malpractice insurance AND
- Have practised IMS for at least 3 years